Identifying Water Hammer

One of the lesser known phrases in the homeowner world is “water hammer”.  While it may not be common terminology to the average owner, it is a fairly common issue affecting the high-pressure water lines in your home.  Simply put, water hammer is a sound caused by...

What Can Thermal Imaging Do For You

Keeping up with technology and using the latest and greatest doesn’t guarantee a good inspection any more than a brand new hunting rifle in the hands of a novice ensures a successful hunt.  But advanced tools in the hands of already skilled inspectors can make the...

Double Tapped Breakers

In the electrical world, the term “double tapped breaker” is used to identify that 2 wires, or more, from multiple circuits are connected to the same terminal screw in the breaker or fuse.  Some term this “double-posted” instead, but the concept is the same.  This is...

Is Your Water Heater Killing You?

Is your Water Heater Killing You? The complexity of the types of water heaters, how to vent them, and what type is most suitable for your home may only be matched by the perceived complexity of your spouse when they want you to read their mind!  Well maybe it’s not...

Sewer Line Scans

One of the most valuable features we offer at Gold Key is a sewer line scan. The first question most people ask us is when should we get a sewer line scan? Well, first we recommend it on houses older than 1980; however there are a few more signs that we want you to be...