Getting Your Home Inspected After You Close

Getting Your Home Inspected After You Close

The seller-driven market today is, unfortunately, leading to a high percentage of buyers bypassing home inspections with the hope that doing so will enhance their offer in the seller’s eyes and provide an incentive for getting it accepted. This attitude is both...
Why you have a mini-septic tank in your basement?

Why you have a mini-septic tank in your basement?

During construction, bathrooms are installed primarily on the main level of homes….well duh!  This is a standard of construction and a minimum standard to avoid the use of an outhouse or port-a-potty😊  Along the way however homeowners with a basement decide they want...
Why do I have a sump pump?

Why do I have a sump pump?

In Northern Indiana there are a variety of terrains on which homes are built.  Generally, the elevation is on the lower side, and there are many lakes, wetlands, and low-lying areas that include a high water table in relation to the grade level.  Because of this, the...
What do ungrounded outlets mean for you?

What do ungrounded outlets mean for you?

  Homes built prior to the 1960’s, give or take a few years, usually have a type of branch wiring (wiring used to go from the main service panel to the outlets and switches), that is ungrounded.  Ungrounded wiring comes in a variety of types.  Knob and Tube...

The Importance of Maintaining Your Refrigerator

One of the last places homeowners consider when talking about home maintenance is kitchen appliances, primarily, the refrigerator.  It’s relatively easy to think of maintenance on a furnace, outdoor AC unit, or even the garbage disposal, but few think about the...